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Newsletter 6    (20 May 2010)

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Showing Tag: "mixed team" (Show all posts)

Changes to the Twilight Cup

Posted by Woodbridge Soccer on Tuesday, October 5, 2010, In : senior 
The Twilight Cup mixed competition has been moved to Thursday nights starting on the 21 October.  The men's competition will be played on Tuesday evenings starting 19 October.  Both will run for 8 weeks 

The first games of the evening will kick off at 6:30 pm  and all games consist of 2 x 30 minute halves. 

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Social Twilight Soccer at Olinda Grove

Posted by Woodbridge Soccer on Monday, September 13, 2010, In : announcements 

5 October to 1 December 2010

University SC has organised social twilight football competitions to be played at Olinda Grove from 5 October to 1 December, with games commencing at 6:30 pm.

Dalles and Kerry are organising a Woodbridge team to compete in Wednesday night's mixed competition, the team will need around 7-8 women/girls and five men. The cost per player will be around $50 (to cover the $600 team nomination fee).

As the competitions will be restricted to a limited number of teams, p...

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